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Simon Franzmann , André Kaiser:
 Locating Political Parties in Policy Space.



In any papers or publications that utilize this data set, users are asked to cite the following article:
Franzmann, Simon/ Kaiser, André (2006): Locating Political Parties in Policy Space. A Reanalysis of Party Manifesto Data, Party Politics, 12:2, 163-188.

The Issue-Structures of the thirty-six party systems are pulished as appendix in Franzmann, Simon (2010, forhcoming): The Change of Ideology: How the Left-Right Cleavage transforms into Issue Competition. An Analysis of Party Systems using Party Manifesto Data. PhD Thesis. Cologne.
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DATA SET containing left-right positions 1945-2003

Updated Pooled Data Set using both the new Data from
Klingemann, Hans-Dieter/Volkens, Andrea/Bara, Judith/Budge, Ian/Macdonald, Michael (2006): Mapping Policy Preference II: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments in Eastern Europe, the European Union and the OECD, 1990-2003, Oxford: Oxford University Press; including CD Rom with MRG/CMP data for 50 countries 1990 to 2003, and
Budge, Ian/Klingemann, Hans-Dieter/Volkens, Andrea/Bara, Judith/Tanenbaum, Eric (2001): Mapping Policy Preferences. Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments 1945-1998, Oxford: Oxford University Press


Annotation: Country data are provided as Excel sheets. There could be some trouble if you open the files within your browser. In this case, please save the file on your computer and open it separately.

Middle and Eastern Europen States

Annotation: Country data are provided as Excel sheets. There could be some trouble if you open the files within your browser. In this case, please save the file on your computer and open it separately.

DATA SET 1945-1998 presented in the article

These are the data which are presented in the original article by Franzmann/Kaiser:


DOWNLOAD Pooled Data 1945-1998 based on old, non corrected calculations (Mar. 2006).


These Left-Right-Positions are calculated by using Budge, Ian/Klingemann, Hans-Dieter/Volkens, Andrea/Bara, Judith/Tanenbaum, Eric (2001): Mapping Policy Preferences. Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments 1945-1998, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

For further comments and questions concerning the data set please contact Simon Franzmann : simon.franzmann@hhu.de

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